that are relational in nature and prophetic in spirit.

Churches who love Jesus and desire to let His voice take the lead.



Our journey started as a young couple leading a church and realizing very quickly we needed help to do this well! It was this that lead us to connect with significant leaders outside of our sphere. These people, over many years, helped to build, equip and inspire us.


An understanding grew, that this approach was essential framework for the way we wanted to build into our future journey. As a result, people who wanted to build with us and our team, in an interdependent way, joined with us as friends to form the LinkNZ family of churches.


A deep love for this land, Aotearoa NZ and a prophetic mandate to see the next generation of leaders arise, saw us gathering, travelling and equipping the church. Authentic relationship, Spirit life and mission became synonymous signposts with this.


Over time we found ourselves being asked to sit with leaders and their teams.  as the number of churches were added Linknz as a charitable entity was formed.